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Sports Simulator


GPS Golf allows players to use real clubs and balls, in 200 Realistic Golf Courses within their own chosen golf courses across 63 countries, contests can be easily run for both fun and competition purposes, with results displayed on the leader board.

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Sports Simulator - GPS Golf Simulator


The main menu offers 11 quick and easy to use options. Play a new game, Resume a previous game, Choose to play any of three contests including Longest Drive, Nearest to Pin and Putting. Practice your game using the Virtual Range, Virtual Chip, Virtual Putt features, or Analyse your swing using Player Data. A Course Library option also offers a list of up to date courses that are available.

Sports Simulator - GPS Golf Simulator


Accurate shot information is displayed after each shot. Analyse shot performance in 10th of miles per hour and 10ths of a degree for club speed, ball speed, swing path, club face angle, horizontal launch angle, vertical launch angle, distance, carry, back spin, side spin, distance to cup, elevation and lie position.Longest Drive players to compete in a longest drive competition on Par 4’s and 5’s for each course. Choose to play from the competition tee, mens tee or forward position (ladies). Choose from bright, normal, cloudy or rain conditions and select the wind strength to increase difficulty. Players are offered 1, 2 or 3 attempts, and after each shot, a leader board is shown listing the leading players in order of their distance. Up to four contests can be played at once - mens, ladies, seniors and juniors, and play can be switched from right to left handed at any time.

Sports Simulator - GPS Golf Simulator


Select the standard Driving Range, or create a driving range on either the 1st hole at Belfry Brabazon, the 16th at Carnoustie Links 16th, the 2nd at Warwick Hills or the 9th at Monteray Bay. To practise all types of drives, long iron and mid iron shots. During play, the analysis pane on the left side of the screen is updated after each shot showing distance, carry, roll, ball speed, club face angle, lub head path, side spin, back spin, horizontal and vertical launch angles and offline accuracy

Sports Simulator - GPS Golf Simulator


Virtual Chip allows players to practice all types of mid iron shorts and short iron shots on 4 famous golf holes – Turnberry Ailsa, Doral Blue Monster, Celtic Manor and Emirates Majlis. Players can set the conditions to bright, cloudy, normal or rain, and set the wind to fine or gusty to alter the flight performance. Select a club and choose to play from any position. Play as many practice chips as you like, then review on screen club averages averages showing distance, carry, roll, to pin distance, ball speed, club speed, face angle, swing path, side spin, back spin and launch angle.

Sports Simulator - GPS Golf Simulator


Using the High Speed Camera Technology, putting is the world's most accurate, giving an extremely high precision and realistic representation of the putt. Measuring ball direction within a degree and ball speed to 1/100th of a mile an hour, putts can be measured accurately over the contoured 3 dimensional green, for each particular putt played.

Sports Simulator - GPS Golf Simulator


Longest Drive players to compete in a longest drive competition on Par 4’s and 5’s for each course. Choose to play from the competition tee, mens tee or forward position (ladies). Choose from bright, normal, cloudy or rain conditions and select the wind strength to increase difficulty. Players are offered 1, 2 or 3 attempts, and after each shot, a leader board is shown listing the leading players in order of their distance. Up to four contests can be played at once - mens, ladies, seniors and juniors, and play can be switched from right to left handed at any time.

Sports Simulator - GPS Golf Simulator


Nearest to Pin is a competition mode that allows players to compete on any Par 3 holes on any course. Players can choose to set the contest from the competition tee, mens tee or forward position (ladies). Choose the weather conditions from bright, normal, cloudy or rain and set the wind type to increase difficulty. Players then compete to hit as close to the pin as they can with the system offering 1, 2 or 3 attempts per player. During the contest, any shot that lands on the green gets an automatic reverse replay. After every shot the leader board is shown listing the leading players in order of their distance to the pin. Up to four contests can be played at once - mens, ladies, seniors and juniors, and play can be switched from right to left handed at any time.

Sports Simulator - GPS Golf Simulator


Play and Practise on over 200 Golf Course's Worldwide. See Full Golf Course Library here.


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